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Below you will find resources for the Chakras & Kundalini series of products.

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Chakra & Kundalini Promotional Resources

If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Subject line – Get 7 FULL Mind Sync Chakra Tuning Downloads
Subject line – Unique Musical Composition incorporating Potent Brainwave and Chakra Harmonics

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Each chakra has an associated colour and vibration. We have synthesized each chakra vibration in the laboratory and recorded them.

Each time you listen to the specific chakra vibration – that chakra is stimulated.

The chakra frequencies will very quickly set up a dominant harmonic in the brains electrical activity spectrum (it does it more quickly than many of our other products as no induction period is needed – this has another big advantage which I will explain later).

The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain. This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways.

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Click here: (Your Affiliate Link)

Muladhara – Root Chakra

Swadhistana – Sacral Chakra

Manipura – Solar Plexus Chakra

Anahata – Heart Chakra

Vishuddhi – Throat Chakra

Ajna – Third Eye Chakra

Sahasrara – Crown Chakra

After 10 minutes the frequencies change and we set up a new dominant electricial frequency in the brain. This stimulates the next chakra in the same way as the first.

We repeat this process for all 7 chakras working, in sequence, from root to crown.

Now getting back to that big advantage!!!

You can use the chakra frequency set whilst you are doing other things (reading, studying, working out, watching tv, etc, etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta (normal alert and awake state) range; so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this.

Get your gift here: (Your Affiliate Link)

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If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue. 

Subject line – Get 7 Full Mind Sync Chakra Tuning Downloads No Charge
Subject line – Did You Get Your Chakra Gifts Yet?

Hi {!firstname_fix},

We have synthesized each chakra vibration in the laboratory and recorded them. This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways.

Download Free... 

Click here: (Your Affiliate Link)

You can use the chakra frequency set whilst you are doing other things.

Muladhara – Root Chakra
Swadhistana – Sacral Chakra
Manipura – Solar Plexus Chakra
Anahata – Heart Chakra
Vishuddhi – Throat Chakra
Ajna – Third Eye Chakra
Sahasrara – Crown Chakra

Get your gift here: (Your Affiliate Link)

Your Name

If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Note: Please hyperlink words in [brackets] with your unique affiliate link.

Subject line – Listening Your Way To Chakra Health?
Subject line – The Secret Culprit To Life’s Hardest Times
Subject line – [Free Mp3’s] You Have To See This!
Subject line – Research Leads To Groundbreaking Chakra Healing

Hi {!firstname_fix},

I have to say…

I’m often a skeptic when it comes to new approaches to personal growth and healing.

But I have to say, this is [something completely different] and my personal results were fascinating!

Whether you’re aware of it or not…

Your chakras could be affecting your life in a very negative way.

If you’ve been noticing that things are spinning out of control and can’t quite put your finger on the cause, these energy centers could be the culprit.

The good news…

I have a special gift for you today that has been designed to heal and tune all 7 of your chakras…

All with no effort needed on your end.

>> [You’ll see what I’m talking about over here…]

Your Name

If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Note: Please hyperlink words in [brackets] with your unique affiliate link.

Subject line – He Must Have Lost His Mind
Subject line – This Is TOO Generous
Subject line – [Limited Copies] 7 Free Chakra Healing Mp3’s
Subject line – Heal & Tune Your Chakras Effortlessly

Hi {!firstname_fix},

I can’t believe this…

A good friend of mine must have lost his mind.

I say this because he’s giving away a set of MP3s that he could easily charge $50 for, but for an extremely limited time you can grab them for FREE!

This generous offer includes 7 MP3s designed to heal and tune your chakras.

I just listened to the [Root Chakra MP3] and I’m blown away with the results.

Grab your free downloads before the chance is gone for good.

Trust me, this isn’t going to last long!

>> [Click Here To Claim Your Downloads]

P.S. I would love to hear which track is your favorite. Make sure you let me know after you try them out.

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