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- Backward Command Subliminals


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If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Subject: 3 free Backward Command Subliminal downloads are waiting, just for you

Hi {!firstname_fix},

I have 3 incredible gifts for you today!

Do you want to reprogramme your mind to:
- attract money?
- achieve a healthy weight?
- be motivated?

>> Then click here to access your free downloads, straight away:  (Your Affiliate Link)

What are Backward Command Subliminals?

An amazing combination of the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Technique® and the scientifically proven Backward Command Subliminal Process™.  These programs are effective with or without headphones, in any environment:  while watching TV, in the gym or while you sleep.
Don't just think about being a better person any longer ... just do it!

All of our downloads contain a guided induction to a deep hypnotic trance state. This is used in conjunction with the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Induction Suite ®.

When you have reached a deep hypnotic trance state, you will begin to hear relevant subliminal suggestion in conventional form and in backward command form. You will hear affirmations spoken clearly in English. 

>> So what are you waiting for?  Get your gift here: (Your Affiliate Link)

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Click here to access your 3 FREE Backward Command Subliminals Downloads  
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