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- Chakra Library


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Below you will find resources for the Chakra Library series of products.

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Chakra Library Promotional Resources

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Subject line – Discover the secrets to unlocking your full potential
Subject line – Have You Got Your Chakra Gifts Yet?

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Discover the secrets to unlocking the full potential of your chakras for a life filled with abundance, wealth, optimal health and unlimited energy - starting today!

Click here for your free gift: (Your Affiliate Link)

Get access to:
- our basic sacral chakra activation program to rev up your sex life, your passion and your joy for life
- discover how to live in peace and harmony in a world full of uncertainty and dramatically improve your quality of life through Chakra Meditation
- there are also lots more surprises when you access our free membership library

Get your gift here: (Your Affiliate Link)

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Chakra Library Banner: 728 x 90

Chakra Library Download

Chakra Library Banner: 300 x 250

Chakra Library Download

Chakra Library Banner: 160 x 600

Chakra Library Download

Chakra Library Banner: 728 x 90

Chakra Download

Chakra Library Banner: 300 x 250

Chakra Download

Chakra Library Banner: 160 x 600

Chakra Download

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Get your Chakra Library Downloads – No Charge from this link:
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