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- Root Chakra


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Below you will find resources for the Root Chakra product.

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Root Chakra Promotional Resources
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If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Subject line – Need a boost of energy? 

Hi {!firstname_fix},

I don't know about you, but I can have really bad days sometimes.  Recently, I have been having a run of them.  You know the type...low on energy, demotivated, finding everything I do was turning into an absolute disaster, the list could go on.  Pretty soon I felt as though it was gathering its own momentum and I found I couldn't see myself ever getting out of this rut.

Luckily, I stumbled across this...

(Your Affiliate Link)

I used it a few times and found that I was able to clear my head and start to see priorities in my life again.  I got my focus back and with it, my enthusiasm once again.  The secret behind this pick me up?  A simple download that aims to balance your root chakra and the way you can do that is a big advantage (I'll explain about the advantage towards the end of the email)!

When this chakra is activated it will enhance your self preservation and your ability to survive in any difficult circumstances. This chakra is very important, because you need to activate and balance this chakra before balancing any of the others.   This chakra is essential for grounding and maintaining a feeling of safety and security, especially if you feel like your head is in the clouds and focus has become foggy.

The best thing is, it is available to you free...

Click here: (Your Affiliate Link)

Now getting back to that big advantage!!!

To use the download, all you do is listen to it - frequencies that tap into the root chakra are created in the brain which have been specially designed to balance and activate it, and ... that's it ... you don't need to do anything else!

You can use the root chakra frequency whilst you are doing other things (reading, studying, working out, watching tv, etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta (normal alert and awake state) range; so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this.

So what are you waiting for?  Get your gift here: (Your Affiliate Link) 

Your Name

If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue. 

Subject line – Get the Amazing New Root Chakra Activation Program
Subject line – Did You Get Your Chakra Gift Yet?

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Download your Root Chakra for free...

Click here: (Your Affiliate Link)

When the root chakra is activated it will enhance your self preservation and your ability to survive in any difficult circumstances. 

It is very important to activate and balance this chakra before balancing any of the others. 

It is essential to activate and balance this chakra for grounding and to maintain a feeling of safety and security. 

You can use the chakra frequency set whilst you are doing other things ...

Get your gift here: (Your Affiliate Link)

Your Name


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Root Chakra Download

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Root Chakra Download

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Root Chakra Download

Root Chakra Banner: 728 x 90

Chakra Download

Root Chakra Banner: 300 x 250

Chakra Download

Root Chakra Banner: 160 x 600

Chakra Download

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Get your Root Chakra Download – No Charge from this link:

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