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- Solfeggio 852Hz


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Below you will find resources for the Solfeggio 852Hz product.

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Solfeggio 852Hz Resources

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Send this email to offer a gift from Solfeggio Sounds.

Subject: Download your free 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Program

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Download your FREE 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Program NOW!

Click here: (Your Affiliate Link)

This wonderful piece of music is based on the Solfeggio 852 Hz frequency. It lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment. It can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations. There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance. It can be used to facilitate spiritual enlightenment and growth.

Get your gift here: (Your Affiliate Link)

Your Name


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changing xxx to your Affiliate No.

Solfeggio 852Hz Banner: 728 x 90


Solfeggio 852Hz Banner: 300 x 250


Solfeggio 852Hz Banner: 160 x 600


Solfeggio 852Hz Signature

Simply copy the code below and include this signature in every email and forum post.
Don’t forget to change xxx to your Affiliate No.

Download your FREE 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Program NOW! A sensational musical composition based on ancient mathematical scales and legendary frequencies…Click Here:
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