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- Solfeggio Sounds


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Solfeggio Resources

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Send this email to offer a gift from Solfeggio Sounds.

Subject: Download all 3 of these amazing Solfeggio Music pieces for free Today
Subject: 3 Free Solfeggio Downloads

Hi {!firstname_fix},

You can download all 3 of these amazing Solfeggio Music pieces for free TODAY!

These downloads each last for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment. They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations. There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.

Click here: (Your Affiliate Link)

Download #1 – Solfeggio 396Hz Alpha
These frequencies can be used in any situation where you need to resolve fear or guilt.

Download #2 – Solfeggio 417Hz Alpha
These frequencies can be used to make any positive change in your life.

Download #3 – Solfeggio 528Hz Alpha
This frequency has been used by geneticists to repair damaged DNA.

Get your gifts here: (Your Affiliate Link)

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If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Note: Please hyperlink words in [brackets] with your unique affiliate link.

Subject line – I Sensed You Needed This, {!firstname_fix}
Subject line – I Tried This And I Was Amazed
Subject line – 3 Free Downloads – Facilitate Change With Minimal Effort
Subject line – Remarkably Simple Mind Programming Hack

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Ever feel like life is spinning out of control?

I think we’ve all been there before…

Feeling like the world is stacked against us and no matter what we do, negative circumstances will always be a part of our story.

The bad news…

This can become true if we don’t find the source of our troubles.

[The good news]…

The solution is a lot closer and easier to follow than you likely think.

It’s about time that you start to see the change that you deserve, like, discover the power to turn your negative emotions into positive ones and not only discover the source of your downfalls, but completely overcome it.

It all starts with these [Free and Incredibly Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies].

I tried these downloads for myself and I was simply astonished with the results.

You don’t even have to take any time out of your day to use them.

Whenever you feel the need, just hit the play button, even if you’re doing other things.

I loved these audios and I’m sure you will too.

And for the low, low price of Free, what can you possibly lose?

>> [Download Your 3 Free Solfeggio Audios Right Away!]

Your Name  

If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Note: Please hyperlink words in [brackets] with your unique affiliate link. 

Subject line – These Ancient Frequencies Are Fascinating
Subject line – I Had To Share This With You, {!firstname_fix}
Subject line – {!firstname_fix}, These Ancient Frequencies Can Change Everything
Subject line – Listen Your Way To A Better Life – SERIOUSLY!

Hi {!firstname_fix},

There’s a lot of talk going on about these sounds called [Solfeggio Frequencies] and for good reason.

Apparently, these ancient sounds have been used to heal and empower for centuries, even though us living in the modern age have just begun to hear about them.

From what people are saying, [these special frequencies] offer people the power to manipulate their minds for some incredible benefits.

Just a few examples…

People are stating that they are able to turn their negative emotions into positive ones nearly effortlessly.

Others are claiming to suddenly have the ability to facilitate change in their lives, even though they felt like they were trapped in a rut for years.

Some are even claiming that a certain frequency has the ability to repair damaged DNA.

I was shocked when I started learning about this and I have to say, I wish this was available to the public long before now.

I was even more shocked when I stumbled across this [Free set of Solfeggio Frequencies] and tried them for myself.

I’m sure you’ll be surprised too is your experience is anything like mine.

I don’t have any idea how long these downloads will be around.

If it’s something you’re interested in, I would strongly suggest that you grab them while they are still available.

>> [You Can Grab All 3 Solfeggio Downloads Here]

Your Name

If you own a list of contacts send this email to them as a solo ad or, even better, add this message to your auto responder sequence for continuous revenue.

Note: Please hyperlink words in [brackets] with your unique affiliate link. 

Subject line – Shocking Science Reveals Manipulation Technique
Subject line – Sci-Fi Personal Development Techniques?
Subject line – Have You Heard About These Frequencies?
Subject line – A Weird But Interesting Download For {!firstname_fix}

Hi {!firstname_fix},

There’s been a shocking science recently discovered.

According to studies, special tones known as solfeggio frequencies have the ability to manipulate our minds in a very weird way…

By using only sounds!

This isn’t the type of stuff you hear about in sci-fi movies or books like Harry Potter…

This is the real deal and people are being blown away by the results.

Luckily, after some time surfing the web, I was able to find a set of solfeggio frequencies that you can !

If you would like to effortlessly…

– Repair And Heal Negative Emotions
– Create Real & Lasting Change In Life

…And even repair damaged DNA, this is for you!

>> [Grab Your Free Downloads Right Away!]

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The Solfeggio Series – A sensational series of musical composition based on ancient mathematical scales and legendary frequencies…Click Here:
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