"Secrets of Chi Manipulation Revealed- The Insider Methods To The Worlds Most Extraordinary Qigong Techniques" What You've Been Searching For...Real Methods For Real Abilities... ![]() |
Incredible Offer: Today Is Your Lucky Day...We Are Making Our Chi Power Plus Book Available For You To Learn The Secrets of Chi Energy Manipulation Watch This Video For The Details
The Famous Chi Power Plus Book The Best Selling Book On Chi Power For Over 20 Years... THIS IS A VERY LIMITED TIME OFFER, SO ACT NOW..... Sells Every
Day for Now Only: You Can Start Learning This In Less Than 5 Minutes By Clicking Here Now THESE ARE THE RARE SKILLS YOU SEEK..... Special Skills ...."We have trained people from every corner of the earth, and now you can know for certain, that you can become a Qigong or Chi Power Practitioner that others will revere."! Secrets of The Chosen Few Revealed... If you really could do all of the amazing things listed above, you would want to do them wouldn't you? Well, since 1980 we have been instructing people to develop those skills and many others....... Harnessing your internal Chi Energy is no more difficult than any other skill, you just have to know how to do the technique and use your body the way God created it to be used........ We've personally spent a combined total of close to 50 years learning this material at a cost of thousands of hours, not to mention the financial cost to travel and learn these techniques. Some of these techniques were taught to us overseas at a very great expense! Some of these techniques, we had to pay tens of thousands of dollars to learn from those who knew them! If You Think This Is a Joke, Leave The Page Now! Now if you think this is a bunch of hogwash or hocus pocus, just leave right now and possibly miss out on the opportunity to learn something truly unique, not the same old garbage that is on the Net day after day......... This Could Be Exactly What You Have Been Searching For Amazing Chi Manipulation Techniques That You Can Learn...
Our Advanced Chi Training System Is The Only Curriculum To Teach The Real "Closed Door" Methods.
This Could be Your Lucky Day when you Take Advantage of this very special limited time offer!! This Manuscript contain so much information, that you will be amazed at how easily you'll pick up these unique concepts, methods and tactics to increase your Chi Energy. (Notice: This is the same course that professional magicians, mentalists and others have studied) Date:
As you sit there and start to read these words, you will have a feeling of excitement come over you as you realize that you have an opportunity right in front of you to get information that has been closely guarded for centuries at a price that is less than a night out in the big city! When you study every word of this information you will be stunned at what you'll learn... Spend 5 minutes reading this info and I'll show you some things that you will see a tremendous amount of value in. if............. You are willing to study the information in this book, train with the information at least 30 minutes per day, and believe that it will work for you..... Some People Say They Want Skills, But How Many Are Really Ready To Do Something For Those Skills? The Chi Power Plus book and Instructions is truly unique and we promise you won't find this type of information anywhere else......You don't need any experience and just to let you know, we have 13 year old kids that are able to do many of the techniques listed above and much, much more..... So read on if you truly want some unique skills..... We started selling the original Chi Power Plus course in the 1980's and have sold the information contained in this course the world over. You may have seen our ads in Ninja, Karate International, Inside Kung Fu & Karate, Martial Artist magazines, just to name a few...... Below is the ad you may have seen or still see in some of your old martial arts mags........ By the way, we still get calls from that ad and we haven't run it in almost 10 years....... Our Original Ad from the 80's and 90's This also has nothing to do with magic, witchcraft or any type of tricks....This has to do with training your body how to function at a much higher level and increasing the sensitivity of your body for increased energy production and output.... This also has nothing to do with martial arts training (although it could, if you are a martial artist). This has to do with increasing the internal muscles of the body and increasing your overall energy. Just like musclemen and bodybuilders lift weights and build up their muscles (external body), this course instructs you how to build up the internal musculature of the body (internal body)...... Although a lot of these techniques were taught to us by Asian instructors, this doesn't have to do with any Eastern Religions or Philosophies....As a matter of fact, we have found that just about every culture and society has an understanding of the true "Internal Chi Training", and we have learned a vast amount of information from Asian, Russian, American Indian, Eastern Indian instructors as well as others from different cultures...... Can you imagine what it will be like when your internal body is the equivalent of an "Arnold Schwarzenegger" External Body? You'll be able to do the things listed above and many more wonderful techniques....... You can read anywhere about using your internal energy and focus, but how many of these so called instructors really know the intricate workings of how to turn your body into a maximized energy conducting generator? We know what we're talking about.... Well, we know exactly how to do it and we are willing to show you exactly how to do it, step by step in easy to understand language and instruction. Not only do we show you the proper exercises to increase your chi energy, but we even include extremely one of a kind (never before seen) focus tests to test out your new Chi abilities....... Sounds Too Good To Be True Right? Well one of our customers, Dan Freeman of Michigan said his energy increased so much that one day, his wife almost passed out when she walked in to his personal "Chi Training Room".....Now that's power.....The same type of power you can have, if your willing to do the work...... And speaking of work......This is one of the reason why we are willing to expose this information to people.....We realize that to get great skills takes a lot of persistence and hard work, so if you are lazy and don't have a good work ethic, you're better off leaving right now..... Does anyone really believe you can get something for nothing? I never did and as a matter of fact, the universal laws totally rebuke this concept......If you want extra-ordinary skills, you need to put in some work to get the results you want.... The good thing is we have the good stuff, the information you have been searching for and it is available for immediate download in just a few minutes. When you purchase this information today, you will be changing your life forever! Here is what several of our students had to say about what we teach and how it works... Because of the unusual nature of our training, some of our students prefer to be anonymous. When you study our methods, your secrecy is paramount. He Got The Spoon To Bend
Trained With Many High Level Masters
She Felt The Chi...
It TakesTime, But Is Worth It...
Repels Attackers With His Chi Alone...
They Did It, And So Can You, Click Here Sure they are getting great results with our training, but what about you? This type of training works when you're willing to put in the time and effort. Can you imagine what it will be like when you can do some of these wonderous things? My emai box is full of testimonials, comments and thank yous about our program, and I want you to see that there are others out there just like you that with a little dedication and training, can make this work fabulously...
What You Will Learn in This Dynamic One of a Kind Instruction Manual? (Remember this stuff is highly guarded info that you will not find anywhere else)
Click Here to Order This Right Now....... Although these techniques or parlor tricks (as we like to call them) are cool, the biggest benefit of the training is that you will be increasing your health and longevity..... The Chinese and Japanese have been using Qigong or Chi Kung practices (their form or our Chi Power Training) to increase their health and longevity for years. It is not uncommon to see entire groups of people doing Chi Gung training in a park or outside area on a daily basis....... The Most Important Things You Will Gain Are:
In fact, this book has probably 10-15 different methods of energy cultivation alone. These methods segmented out are a lifetimes worth of study and they will be at your disposal 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Once you get them to work for you.....LOOK OUT! Valuable information like this doesn't come around every day, so take advantage of this now and really begin to see the value of this offer..... I'll tell you, all of the information contained in this book is priceless and will cause you to experience what it will feel like to know that you have all of the skills right at your disposal to massively succeed with energy development and building a more healthy, robust life.... This mind blowing book comes complete for your immediate electronic download. Here is What You Will Receive Automatically in Electronic Format
"Super Bonus"- This Alone Is Worth Several Times The Cost of This Book!
This information hads really changed the life of so many people , and I know it will change yours for the positive as well. Every single one of the concepts in this curriculum contains a special secret you can use in your journey to maximize your human potential. Picture yourself having all of the power that this has to offer and you will start to feel better and better about your decision to buy this now. To feel the sense of accomplishment that this information will bring to you. Skills that if you had to learn elsewhere would cost you hundreds....No...Thousands of dollars to learn (and that's if you could even find someone to teach you them). How would you feel, if only one of the techniques
contained in this course worked for you and enabled you to have a major
breakthrough, causing you to feel better mentally and physically? That
would be fantastic wouldn't it? Order today and you will be glad you made the decision to invest in yourself to be able to experience the excitement that life has to offer when you are at the top of your game and can naturally and effectively begin to build up your chi and mental energy dramatically.......
Whether you buy this right now, or decide to order it later, I want to wish you the best of luck in all you do. I know if you pull the trigger on this wonderful offer you will be amazed at the amount of solid information that is contained in these products. Respectfully, Scientific Premium Company-USA
P.S. Just think, you can't go wrong because 2 out of every 3 visitors buy this product because of the immense value it contains. Click the Button Below and order this now Click Here to Begin The Training WARNING!!!! The Methods You will learn are extremely powerful. However, we do suggest you use these strategies only to benefit other people. You can be held accountable in a court of law if you were to use these techniques to manipulate someone in the wrong way. These methods are taught for information purposes only and we will not be held responsible for your misuse of these potent methods of chi power development. SPC-USA CAN ACCEPT NO LIABILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS.